Monday, 24 July 2017


Indeed it’s a beautiful day
May you rejoice and be glad in it

May this day mark the beginning of better days in your love life
May you forget all the pains of the past
May you experience love in a way you’ve never before
Because you deserve it.
May all your heart’s desires come to pass

And above all else!
May you discover the depth, the height, the length
And how wide God’s love for you is!
He loves you for all time!


Winnie Doxa.

Monday, 17 July 2017



I knew you before you came to be
I loved you before you came to be
From the first day I saw you crying from your mother’s womb
I shouted, “yes!
There goes my boy,
The man I will use to bring glory to my name.”

I know you
I have seen you do the dumbest things
You know…
But I still want you
I know you are a warrior
But sometimes you forget that I already fought for you,
Even before you began fighting any battle…
I really desire to have you completely
I want you to stop fighting son.

Stop fighting for yourself
Stop trying to figure it out on your own
Stop trying to understand my ways
Cause the truth is,
You never will.

Do you believe I love you?
Do you really think I like it when you get hurt?
I don’t child.
And all I want for you is the very best
I know you.

Allow Me to show Myself strong in your life
Allow Me to take you to places you’ve never imagined
Allow me to be your Father!
Allow me to be God above all in your life.
And if you ever doubt that,
I have your best interest at heart.
Just remember,
I, God Almighty
Knows you (insert your name) better than anyone else…

Winnie Doxa.               

Monday, 10 July 2017



(Stop for a moment, look at the sky and listen to the birds…)

You are right,
The emptiness in the sky is like a child
Most people think that children are born empty,
But that’s quite debatable you know…

Our lives sometimes look empty
People see us brightening their world like the sky
But they don’t pay much attention…

The sky,
Just like our lives,
Is invaluable.
Within it, it carries countless other heavenly bodies that make life a better place for others
Sometimes it’s all dark and gloomy
Just like life,
And it rains.

But the birds,
In all their beauty and diversity, always enjoy flying in the sky
Because they know that it will always be there for them
Regardless of the changing seasons of life.

 I don’t know what exactly you’ve seen and heard (when you looked at the sky)

But I know,
Just like the sky,
There is so much beauty and greatness inside you
Sometimes no one will notice it.
But you got to keep on being all you can be, to make your world a better place.

Are you feeling happy?
Let the sun shine on us!
Feeling gloomy?
Let it rain!
But never forget that there is a rainbow even in the rainy days.
Look at the rainbow,
And smile!
Because cloudy days also have an end
Listen to the sweet melody of the birds and sing along
Because there is always a reason to be thankful even on rainy days.

May you always purpose to live hard, when you look at the sky…
And listen to the birds.
Thank you for being a sky in my world.

Winnie Doxa.

Tuesday, 4 July 2017


Hi handsome!
On this beautiful day
Remember to smile
Even at nothing,
It’s good for your soul.

Remember to be kind
Because the world needs it
And you got it.

Remember you are never really alone
God got you all the way
Remember you are cared for deeply
And you make the world a better place not only for me, but many others.
May every second of today
And every day, fill your heart with unending joy.

Wishing you a blissful day.
Winnie Doxa.