Tuesday, 22 May 2018


I Speak... I am her
The lady who was sexually molested at the age of 7
By the man she thought was a "father figure..."
We all trusted him
Even my mum...
But he took advantage of my trying to be a child...

I speak on her behalf
Because I am her...
The lady who was psychologically abused by her math teacher during her national exams.
He sent me a card
And as the norm was
The class prefect called the names from infront of the class.
Reading the message from the card and every other detail.
It was not a success card.
It was a love card,
Everyone was surprised because they never thought, I had something between me & the math teacher.

I couldn't speak up for myself
And when I tried,
I was victimized
The cards came in almost daily
And I had to figure out how to stay focused, anyway.
I am speaking on her behalf.

The lady who was
Sexually abused in her 1st year in cumpus
He was a third year student
Looked charming and acted  liked a gentleman
Yet inside he was a beast
Looking for the next prey to...
With all my naivety
I became a victim
And God knows how much I cursed that day,
The day I allowed him in my life
We were just friends
But I geuss he thought there was more to us

So today,
I speak...
On my behalf,on her behalf,on his behalf,on behalf of everyone who has suffered depression from any form of sexual abuse.
I speak to let you know that God still sees you as beautifully and wonderfully made.
You don't have to bury your life in your past pains.
God wants you to #forgive
All who hurt you
To #embrace who you are
To #allow #Him to heal you
And to use your pain for His glory.

Get out of your cave and join me in speaking out.
Arise and shine
For your light has come
And the glory of the Lord rises upon you.
Speak it out...
Winnie Doxa.

#SeeYourself  >>>  Through Gods’s eyes! #HeLovesYou! For His Glory!  #SoHappy#Graced! *smiles*

Written on Dec 1st  2016.

Friday, 18 May 2018


                                           I'm sorry...
I am sorry I'm not her
I'm not anything close to what they told you
I am not a chocolate girl
I don't like that too
You geussed right.

I'm sorry I am not her 
The one who is all charming
It's deceptive...
I am not all that beautiful
So don't fall for her fleeting beauty... I'm sorry I'm not her
The one who'll complete you.
I'm not her,the one who needs to be made complete by you.
Because in Christ I live,move and have my entire being.
I am complete in Him!

I'm sorry I'm not her
The one who’ll make your world happy.
But you can be confident that by God's grace I'll surely bring you joy and gladness all days of my life as I submit to Him.
I'm still in the process.
And I'm sorry it seems slow...
For God's glory! 
Winnie Doxa.

#SlowDown#LifeIsAProcess#Graced! *smiles*

Written on October 25th 2016.