Friday, 17 April 2020

Let's Start Over Again!


I want to call you X,
But honestly,
I never saw you as one,
Our friendship was unique,
Our attraction was electrifying
And our love, binding.
Or so, I thought.

Even after we broke up,
Part of me, carried you everywhere I went,
I compared the men I had with you,
Because deep inside I wished I was still with you
None of those relationships worked,
Maybe mostly because I never fully allowed my heart to let go of you

I was foolish,
Everyday I wished you could come back
I hoped you could call me back
Maybe I overrated the love you had for me
Maybe I believed the lie that no man would love me like you did
Maybe I was too afraid to trust God with this part of me,
My heart.

So, today,
After almost two decades of knowing you,
I've finally gathered the courage to call you my X
I've finally decided to give this heart back to the one who gave it to me,
Atleast I know He can stop the world just to prove that He loves me,
Something I wish you did, but maybe you didn't love me enough to dare to try.

Dear X,
Thank you for the lessons you taught me.
Thank you for showing me how long suffering I can be.
Thank you for challenging me to believe God for better beyond what you could ever become.
Thank you for creating fears that translated to bold moves
Thank you for helping me find me.
I would love to carry you with me,
But I can't,
Because more than I want to remain safe.
I got to grow.
It's finally, truly, over!


Winnie Doxa.

Song playing #WeDance by #BethelMusic 🥰

Sunday, 12 April 2020


   It Covers Me!

Hi God,
How are you doing?

I bet you are fine,
I mean, you are God.

Alot has been happening lately,
Ok, let me go way back.
I was a good Christian, at least I thought so
I worked deligently,
I honored those in authority,
I paid my tithes and offering
I helped the needy,
I went to church,
I was involved in service
And occasionally I prayed and studied my Bible.

God speaking, (claps)
I'm fine thank you,
Tell me more about you,
Cleary you must have been a classic Christian
You were so self approved,
For you it was just about the routine, right?
Meeting the deadline,
Showing up when it favored your image
Giving when it was convenient for you
And serving, because you thought that I needed it...mmh!
I don't!

Are you saying all that didn't count?
Are you saying, I'm not a classic Christian?
Come on Dad,
I can't be that bad.
I'm born again, I gave my life to You way back when I was a child.
And if you ask me, I think I've tried to stick to the narrow path...
Anyway, all that is besides the point.

Things have been so difficult,
My movements restricted,
I lost my job,
Schools closed, so I'm back to the drawing board,
The bills are calling,
No more church to serve you from
The atmosphere is sorrounded by fear
And to be more honest,
I've been having some serious introspection...

Tell me about it...

It's about your blood,
I've realized how it has been covering me all through,
I remember the countless times you were leading me but I turned away,
The times I chose my will over yours,
Yet you took me through,
The times I hurt the very people you call your children,
The times I lied,
The times I was prideful and selfish,
Yet, Your blood still covered me,
Yet, You still kept me,
You sustained me,
You remained faithful even when I cheated on You.
I'm sorry...
Please let's start all over again!

I think I know why You did all that...
It's because of the blood,
It covers me,
It covered all my sins, failures and short comings,
It covered my foolishness,
It covered my arrogance,
It covered my fears,
It covered my mistakes,
It covered my waywardness,
And everything in between.
These are tough times for me God, for us, really...
But please keep me ( us) reminded that the blood that Jesus shed on the cross covered me (us) then,
And it shall continue to cover me (us), even now!

And no matter what happens tomorrow ,
May I rest in the confidence that it was finished!
That the old is gone and the new has come,
But when I don't, please remind me that I'm still covered!

I've heard you my dear,
Do not fear!

Winnie Doxa.


Photo courtesy of @EutychusFortunate 

Sunday, 5 April 2020

What If...

By now, we all are aware God is trying to communicate something.
Or maybe you are too self absorbed to think that it's just another challenge, you'll figure it out...mmh!

what if,
What if like the Israelites in the wilderness this goes on and on until we embrace obedience...

What if like Sodom and Gomorrah it's a time to turn away from our wicked ways...

What if like Cain it's a time to offer our best in  worship...

What if like Eve it's a time to think through the  choices we've made and live with the consequences...

What if like Sarah it's a time to hope against hope that God's promise for our lives will come to pass and avoid the temptation to do it our way...

What if like Esther it's a time to rise up as leaders, get on our knees, dare to face our fears for the sake of our nation and our loved ones...

What if like Hannah this is a time to desperately petition for what our hearts deeply desire...

What if like Moses this is our burning bush experience, a time to say yes to God or to turn away from His will...

What if like Pontius Pilate this is a time to realize that we are not in a power struggle and give up the fight...

What if like Nebuchadnezzar this is an opportunity to repent from abuse of power and authority God has given us and get our act right...

What if like Joshua this is a time to gather all  strength and courage for our next assignment...

What if like Mary ( Jesus's Mother) this is the beginning of carrying the miraculous and letting go of every plan we had in mind for our lives...

What if like the disciples this is the time to not just preach the sermons we've heard from Jesus ( in this case from our Pastors and church leaders) over the years but more so to live them out...

What if like Simon Peter the question we all need to answer Jesus is,"do we love Him?"

What if like Elijah this is the time to call down fire from heaven on behalf of our nation...

What if like the woman with the issue of blood this is the time to fight for our survival no matter what it takes...

What if like Joseph (Mary's husband) this is the time to trust that God's will is worth the pursuit
even when we feel thrown off completely...

What if!
What if!
What if!
What if this is a wake up call from getting used to life as normal,
What if this is a reminder that life is in the things we perceive as little
What if like Jesus, this is the time to say,"not my will Father, but your will be done! "
What if what's going on through your mind right now is God’s leading...

( In a soft tone)
What if
What if, is something we all need to figure out...

Winnie Doxa.