To you,God my Father
God my closest friend
God my comforter,
Thank you!
Thank you for your unfailing love towards me
Thank you for your faithfulness
Thank you for staying,even when I walked away
Thank you for the battles you’ve fought for me
Thank you for saving me
For taking great delight in me
For quietening me with your love
And rejoicing over me with singing.
To my beloved mum
I thank God for you
Thank you for accepting to be my mother
For nurturing me into the woman I have become
Thank you for being a strong pillar in my life
For your endless prayers and permanent love for us,
your children
Thank you for laying down your life that we may have
the stuff you never had.
I love you for all time, friend.
I am looking forward to what God has in store for us
Cheers to us!
To you my siblings and extended family
It’s been truly a journey, you know
But I’ll forever thank God for all of you
You helped me realize stuff in me I never thought I
Thank you for your love that liberated me
Cheers to us!
To you my dear friends and fans
The thought about you warms my heart
I really don’t know if I’d be here today if it were
not for your firm belief in the person that God has created me to be.
Thank you for always being there,
You’ve seen me in my highs and lows,joy and
sorrow,pain and fear,hopelessness ,depression and everything that happened in
But you’ve still chosen to be here
To be part of this life story that has begun a
new chapter today
By the grace that God has given me
I vow to use every gift he has given me faithfully as
He continues to enable me to reach out to you for His glory!
You have a special place in my heart!
Cheers to us!
Thank you!
Winnie DoxaNB: This piece was for her birthday.I hope you can share the same sentiments or better, with the people in your life.Celebrate life! Cheers! *more smiles*
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