Saturday, 9 February 2019


I wish ya'll happy 



Sometimes I wonder,
Why parents care for their children,
Sometimes I wonder why others don’t,
Sometimes I wonder why children suffer so much.
Sometimes I wonder why others enjoy life so much.
But one thing I have found similar in them,
Is that, they all love to be loved.
And Jesus said, “Let the children come to me”
He showed them love
So please, show them some love.

Sometimes I wonder,
Why some people are rebellious.
Sometimes I wonder,
Why others are so obedient.
Sometimes I wonder,
Why some siblings hate each other
And yet others get along very well
But one thing I have realised,
They all just need to be loved
When Esau saw Jacob, he embraced him with love
When the prodigal son returned to his father
He received him with love, not judgement.
So please, show them some love.

Sometimes I wonder,
Why some women hate on each other
While others care for themselves,
Sometimes I wonder
Why some are harlots
And others have kept so pure
But I have come to understand,
That they are all looking for love
Some in doing the right thing,
Others in doing the exact opposite.
Ruth cared for Naomi so much
That Naomi swore to walk with her closely, closer than her shadow would.
Rehab was favoured by God
And got married to Hosea, he showed and gave her love
Not judgement.
So please, show them some love.

Sometimes I wonder,
Why some people easily lose direction
While others are always focused.
Sometimes I wonder,
Why some people walk the journey of life alone
While others have someone holding their hand.
But then I realised, that they all desire to find love
Timothy found a mentor in Paul
And he instructed him with pure love, not judgement.
The disciples chose to walk with Jesus
And He showed them love even to the shedding of his blood.
I urge you, to show someone love.

I stand before you like,
A child.
Looking for a place to belong
I stand before you like,
Rejected by my own
I stand before you like,
Trying to find my identity in immorality.
I stand before you like,
I need someone to walk with me.
I stand before you like,
Him, and him, her, her, her too, representing every soul that feels empty inside
Would you please, show me some love?

We have all fallen short of His Glory,
In one way or another.
Jesus walked with the disciples’
Not just because He wanted them to hear Him teach them
But more so, for them to see and feel His love.
He showed them love
Even when He knew that one of them will betray Him.

Kindly show some love
Hakuna mtu hapendeki.
Everyone will remain unlovable until you and I will stop,
And show them some love.



Winnie Doxa.

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