Saturday, 12 October 2019



I am,
Well, I can't quite explain how I feel
I battle with this thoughts in my mind
It's a fierce battle that makes me want to scream.
Silence please.

How did I get myself here?
I thought counselling is for them,
I have been okay,
I was okay,
Atleast, the last time I checked.

Miss Winnie,
You are here now,
Don't be ashamed of being here,
I'm a doctor just like your normal doctor
And you're my patient, just like any other patient.
So if you allow me, kindly let's get started.

I thought I was okay,
Then this thoughts of fear, insecurity, unworthiness, anxiety began crowding my mind.
I didn't want to talk to anyone about it.
I thought they wouldn't understand,
I noticed I stopped doing the things I liked
I hid from the people I loved,
Even You,
Even God.
I didn't understand why they decided to walk away suddenly.
Suddenly what I knew to be home became strange
The people I thought had my back pulled out.
I lost my job and life lost meaning.

Tell me,
Why I'm I here?
Why do I feel this way?
Where is God in all this?
I battled suicide thoughts every moment,
I know you said you'll never leave me or forsake me.
Where are you now!

Miss Winnie!
Please calm down,
I hear your frustrations.
And I really feel your pain,
I am your Counsellor,
Now that you've come,
Now that I got your attention,
I'll speak and you will listen!

When God said He has great plans for your life,
He meant it.
When he said He will always be there,
He meant it.
When you were homeless
He became your refuge
When you were sick and death mentioned your name,
He was your life,
When you couldn't tell them how deeply you are grieved.
He listened,
He comforted you
Sustained you
For His glory!
He cares about you,
Stop labeling your self,
You are a warrior,
A winner
An overcome!
Live like it!
My child,
Are never alone!


Winnie Doxa

From the collection>>> #HeTookMeThrough!

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